December 06, 2005

I Love Corduroy!

Every time it happens, I cannot believe how much fun it is to ski on perfectly groomed corduroy. Check this out:

The local area where we teach had nearly the perfect day. The weather was cold and crisp and the the snow was groomed to near perfection (I must admit that the grooming at Deer Valley is supreme however...). Corduroy is the perfect snow to get back on skis, and I took advantage.

It was also the perfect day for getting used to my newest pair of skis (Volkl Supersport Allstar, 168 cm). I bought a pair of Fischer RX9's last year and really like them (their quickness is fantastic) but missed the solidity and edge grip of the Volkl. What was interesting was how very similar skis felt different from a balance perspective.

I noticed the difference when I was showing some other instructors some of the PSIA Level II tasks, particularly when doing turns on one ski. It was really good to have to adjust.

Anyway, can't wait till the weekend!

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